- 時間
- 4分 24秒
- 110
- 1.02
- 14
- ノーツの数
- 457
- ボムの数
- 8
- 壁の数
- 141
first uploaded map
anyway, i thought that we needed more maps of the midnight in the game, and with a ton of people around me who knew how to map, i felt decently confident that i could make something alright. it's a bit rough in a few parts, but it's pretty neat
people who helped:
@Avexus for playtesting, lighting and general mapping help
@EerieWolf for general mapping help
@Xentha for playtesting
順位 | プレイヤー | スコア | 精度 | 最大コンボ | 日付 | |||
まだクリアした人はいません。 |