- 時間
- 1分 26秒
- 150
- 2.09
- 18
- ノーツの数
- 431
- ボムの数
- 256
- 壁の数
- 156
Lucky Star peak
Cool lil techy lil map with downmap and acc diff because I wanted to make one for some reason
180 palm ups are the best pattern
Lawless is my original version but I realized that it has horrible lead in but is also cool so I just put it in a lawless and made a cleaner map for standard ex+
Haven't been releasing maps recently because I've been cooking on a big project that I'm part of with some other mappers and thats coming out in december so look forward to that ig
Reup because I forgot lights!! and reup again to fix some lead ins
Autolit with lolighter
Thanks @KitsuriKon for playtest
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まだクリアした人はいません。 |