- 時間
- 6分 11秒
- 190
- 2.58
- 20
- ノーツの数
- 2,920
- ボムの数
- 98
- 壁の数
- 621
This map is the culmination of 50 hours of mapping, around 25 different players/mappers feedbacks, and a lot of creativity + polishing. Thanks to everyone who helped me craft this amazing piece of work, I'm very happy to rank this beast. This is probably my hardest "serious" map, so good luck.
Estimated star rating:
Expert+ by me
Expert by @ThySpoon
Hard by @Fnyt
Lightshow by me
順位 | プレイヤー | スコア | 精度 | 最大コンボ | 日付 | |||
まだクリアした人はいません。 |