- 時間
- 4分 38秒
- 165
- 10.56
- 22
- ノーツの数
- 2,926
- ボムの数
- 92
- 壁の数
- 170
TryHardNinja - Revenge (ReeK's "Dude, What's A Genre?" Remix) (feat. CaptainSparklez)
Everyone Involved :
0:00-0:51 - muffn - https://beatsaver.com/uploader/5cff0b7498cc5a672c850ceb
0:51-1:25 - DE125 - https://beatsaver.com/uploader/5cff0b7798cc5a672c8554ba
1:25-1:49 - abcbadq - https://beatsaver.com/uploader/5e0344ebe85d6800061edc97
1:49-2:12 - That_Narwhal - https://beatsaver.com/uploader/5d52cb573828d50006e3a2b5
2:12-2:58 - Astrella - https://beatsaver.com/uploader/5dac13255162f30006ce59e2
2:58-3:24 - Foxy Boi - https://beatsaver.com/uploader/5cff0b7698cc5a672c853f8e
3:24-3:50 - shrado - https://beatsaver.com/uploader/5cff0b7298cc5a672c84ea12
3:50-4:38 - Schwank - https://beatsaver.com/uploader/5cff0b7698cc5a672c855294
Chroma Lighting done by Qwasyx - https://beatsaver.com/uploader/5cff0b7698cc5a672c855166
Huge thanks to ComplexFrequency and Jez for modding this and Astrella for making the whole map alot better.
Upload #lost count + 1
- things were changed dont know what they are
-added all the contributors tab pfp's so you can all of us being cool ?
-finial changes hopefully
順位 | プレイヤー | スコア | 精度 | 最大コンボ | 日付 | |||
まだクリアした人はいません。 |